EvoluMind The Journal | Coaching At 72 Smalldive

Championing Psychological Safety at Work

Championing Psychological Safety at Work

Why we should champion a psychologically safe workplace even when it is tough.

Championing Psychological Safety at Work

Why we should champion a psychologically safe workplace even when it is tough.

Angry man finger pointing

Breaking the Blame Cycle With Self-Awareness

How by creating a psychologically safe space we can break destructive blame-cycles at work. 

Breaking the Blame Cycle With Self-Awareness

How by creating a psychologically safe space we can break destructive blame-cycles at work. 

Red Pill Of Self Awareness

Navigating the Future of Middle Management with...

Take the Red Pill! Navigating the Future of Middle Management with Self-Awareness. 

Navigating the Future of Middle Management with...

Take the Red Pill! Navigating the Future of Middle Management with Self-Awareness. 

Checking the time

How Time Management Can Boost Self-Awareness

Time management can be a potent tool for self-discovery and personal growth through fostering self-reflection and mindfulness.

How Time Management Can Boost Self-Awareness

Time management can be a potent tool for self-discovery and personal growth through fostering self-reflection and mindfulness.

Team collaboration

Debunking Common Fallacies On Followership

Nuturing effective followership is as crucial a strategy as addressing leadership gaps when performance declines. 

Debunking Common Fallacies On Followership

Nuturing effective followership is as crucial a strategy as addressing leadership gaps when performance declines. 

Chess pieces connotating leadership and followers

Fostering Followership in Leaders

Effective followership, like good leadership, doesn't come from rigid rules, concise instructions, or instilling loyalty and discipline. Just as good leadership is nurtured, good followership needs cultivation. 

Fostering Followership in Leaders

Effective followership, like good leadership, doesn't come from rigid rules, concise instructions, or instilling loyalty and discipline. Just as good leadership is nurtured, good followership needs cultivation. 

Thrive Amidst Uncertainty

Feeling stuck in life or work? Uncertain about starting fresh? We all encounter moments of stagnation and uncertainty. At Coaching At 72 Smalldive, our coaching classes help you cultivate transformative mindset changes and habits, to break free from this inertia. Explore our courses, and subscribe to our newsletter for essential insights to kickstart your journey to growth and fulfillment. Don't let uncertainty hold you back – start anew today!